April 2017 Draft League

CAHL Draft Leagues utilize a draft process which is a process where players are placed on teams based on their skill and ability level as determined by the league manager during the initial game or "draft skate." The league manager will allocate certain players to teams based on a variety of factors to balance out the teams as much as possible. A draft skate usually consists of a scrimmage without a referee and is focused on having fun, letting new players learn the game and interact with others and is included in the cost of a draft league season.
cyclones pride 2017
cyclones pride 2017

Responsive Template

Reiko is built with a responsive layout, which means it automatically adapts to the viewing device. Reiko will expand and contract accordingly to the size and resolution of the screen, whether mobile, tablet or desktop.
cyclones pride 2017

Change Colors with Color Picker

Adjust color, saturation, hue, and transparency quickly and easily. Take advantage of the uniquely powerful Gantry 5 Color Picker and change your theme’s color scheme in seconds.
cyclones pride 2017

Icon Picker for Icons

Font Awesome icons are awesome, and they’re supported natively in Reiko. Use Gantry 5’s powerful Icon Picker to easily add icons to menus, particles, and more.