This is an explanation of the Cincinnati Adult Hockey Leagues Division Levels, skill levels and days of the week games are played. Some other cities label their divisions with A-D, we assign this as 1-5 (1 being the highest skilled players) with sub-divisions (a though d).
Those subdivisions that have North and South are divided per league manager due to the amount of teams we have (consider it like an East / West Conference type of thing) so teams are not just playing “one other team” just once in a season enhancing the league experience; however during playoffs, teams may play teams either N/S division based on the season statistics.
There may be exceptions to game days depending on rink availability, especially during the winter season.
Division | Game Days | Rink(s) | Description |
DIVISION 1 | MON/TUE (SUN) | Sportsplex, Northland | Semi-professional players / collegiate or pro level abilities Might be someone you know active or retired from the NHL / ECHL etc picking up some social time, you never know! |
DIVISION 2A | MON/TUE (SUN) | Sportsplex, Northland | For those players who have never stopped playing including semi-pro and collegiate skill levels |
DIVISION 2B | TUE (SUN) | Sportsplex, Northland | Maybe past college-level skills or returning semi-pro after a few years off? |
DIVISION 3A | TUE (SUN) | Sportsplex, Northland | Past High School Experience / or College-Level or returning from those after a few years? |
DIVISION 3B | WED, SUN | Sportsplex, Northland | This is where speed and teamwork really starts to show. Organized play, skating abilities and shooting on net is more accurate and strategic (eg teamwork to score often). |
DIVISION 4A | WED, SUN | Sportsplex, Northland | Varies Dramatically |
DIVISION 4B | THR/SUN, (FRI/SAT) | Sportsplex, Northland | Faster paced compared to the lower levels of play but not by much. First division where gameplay can become strategy, eye contact and communications. |
DIVISION 4B NORTH / SOUTH | THR/SUN, (FRI/SAT) | Sportsplex, Northland | See: 4b Due to the amount of players in D4B, we have divided this division up into two “conferences” of equal abilities. |
DIVISION 4C | THR/SUN (FRI/SAT) | Sportsplex, Northland | Minimal organizational teamwork / skills; a little more passing but might not always be accurate? The beginning skills of basic organization, occasional break outs. Great level to work on the basic ice hockey skills. |
DIVISION 5A | FRI/SAT | Sportsplex, Northland | Rollerblade / Street Hockey Experience Only ish? Basic skills known. Can make a pass / work with your team but still may struggle with keeping head up? No judgement in D5 |
DIVISION 5B | FRI / SAT | Sportsplex, Northland | Lowest level of play regarding regular / returning players & established teams. Focus: Skill building, teamwork, basic plays Details: Just for fun / a safe place for those of us who may still struggle with skating, stopping or just trying to hold onto the puck or make a pass. Enforced: anyone that stands out from the rest of the players will be required to move to a higher division. |
DIVISION 5C | FRI / SAT (SUN) | All Rinks | Beginners / New Skaters Only |
FRIDAY / SAT NIGHT | FRI/SAT | Northland Only | See notes: D4 – D3 ish |
MONDAY NIGHT DRAFT aka Lower Draft League | MON | Northland Only | Beginners / New Skaters through Middle D4. More relaxed play with only one referee. Set Schedule. Players are evenly placed on teams based on their ability as decided by the League Manager. Great for players seeking extra ice time or for new players to join who do not have a team yet or are looking to jump on board in between regular CAHL seasons. |
TUESDAY NIGHT DRAFT aka Upper Draft League | TUE | Canada Rink (SP) | Middle D4 – D3. More relaxed play than the regular CAHL season with only one referee. Set Schedule. Players are evenly placed on teams based on their ability as decided by the League Manager. Great for players seeking extra ice time or for new players to join who do not have a team yet or are looking to jump on board in between regular CAHL seasons. |
Queen City Sportsplex is home to both the Canadian Rink (CAN) and USA Rink (USA) abbreviated (SP) above.
Most games are 6pm or later on weekdays and 4pm or later on weekends. Games could start as late as 10:30pm weekdays and 11:30pm on weekends (Fri & Sat nights). There will occasionally be a 1pm – 3pm weekend game, especially during playoffs when ice time is limited.